Revolutionary spinner from Mepps wich combines the effect of the fly and spinner. Very attractive lure, whose action will cause instant hit. Blest consists of wing actuation interest predator segmented body confers realistic game, treble hooks covered with fibers with a special coating creating mycroflashings that are the center of a predatory attack. Great flashed precisely designed to start rotating smoothly at the moment you touch the water. Cone of rotation is continuously adapted to the strength of the current or the rate of harvest of the fiber, so that AGLIA constantly emits preformed suitable vibration.
Größe |
0.0 |
0 |
1 |
2 |
Gewicht |
1,50g |
2,50g |
4,00g |
7,00g |
- Hersteller/EU Verantwortliche Person
- Hersteller
- Unternehmensname:
- Mepps SNC
- Adresse:
- B.P.09, Contes, 6390, FR
- E-Mail: