Blue Fox Salmon Super Vibrax BFSASV6 33g designed for long-distance casts. It operates at a depth of 1.2 m to 1.5 m and has a petal rotation angle of 30 degrees. The core has an elongated shape, is made of brass and is covered with paint. The spinner is equipped with a special non-bending heavy-duty VMC hook with plumage, which additionally seduces the fish. The brass rigging rotates freely, creating a noise effect when the core and bell come into contact. The axis of the spinner is made of stainless steel and has a special curved ring for attaching the fishing line. Hersteller/EU Verantwortliche Person
Hersteller Unternehmensname:
Rapala VMC Online Ltd. Adresse: Po Box 159 15101 Lahti Finland E-Mail: Telefon:
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